Sunday, November 21, 2010

Astrology: Last Sun Day in Scorpio

From Evernote:

Astrology: Last Sun Day in Scorpio

For those who are interested in Astrology. Molly Hall tells us why today is all about the senses. Enjoy!

Peace & Love - 

Last Sun Day in Scorpio
By Molly Hall, Astrology Guide

It's a day for total immersion with the Full Moon in Taurus. You could be sinking into bodily pleasures, or discovering new landscapes via the imagination. It's a day to experience life through the 5 senses and beyond.

It's a peak for the Sun Scorpio too, at 29 degrees. In these fixed signs, we observe carefully both the physical and psychic dimensions. Be alert to signs about your personal power to use your god(dess) given talents.


Yesterday on a walk, I found a Hawk feather on the side of the road. There was a picture-perfect Moon, with some clouds veiling it -- perfect for Taurus-Scorpio. It reminded me that some of our talents get clouded over. That Scorpio illuminates where we've lost power, where our soul is hiding, or eclipsed by a situation seemingly beyond our control. Hawk's startling shriek wakes us up to new ways of seeing, that guide us to greater personal power.

From Medicine Cards, "Hawk medicine teaches you to be observant, to look at your surroundings. Life is sending you signals. Life is the initiation." The Full Moon Taurus, with Sun Scorpio in its final day, gives us hawklike powers of observation. We can observe "nuances of power" that shape our world, but are rooted too, in unseen matrices. We see both the earthly and with our soul senses.

The Medicine Cards remind, "You are only as powerful as your capacity to perceive, receive and use your abilities." In urgent times, it's wise to remember our power to see and know. And to be alert for messages that speak to the part of us that knows.

By Molly Hall, Astrology Guide

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