Tuesday, November 30, 2010

News: Washington state potato booster in spuds-only protest

From Evernote:

News: Washington state potato booster in spuds-only protest

Clipped from: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6AT3DM20101130?pageNumber=2
According to the head of the Washington State Potato Commission, living just on taters can help shed pounds and lower blood sugar and cholesterol! How does he know? Because he went on a tater-only diet for two months! Enjoy!

Later -

Posted from the news desk of ilovetater.com

Washington state potato booster in spuds-only protest

By Laura L. Myers

SEATTLE | Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:54am EST

(Reuters) - The head of the Washington State Potato Commission ended a self-imposed diet of potatoes-only that he said allowed him to shed more than 20 pounds in two months.

Chris Voigt, 45, began his spuds-only regimen to protest a U.S. Department of Agriculture rule barring low-income recipients of food vouchers under the federal Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program from using their benefits to purchase white potatoes.

And while Voigt is not recommending his diet to others as a "healthy sustainable" weight-loss plan, it did help him lower his blood sugar, cut his total cholesterol by over a third, and reduce his weight from 197 to 176 pounds, he said.


Voigt, the executive director of the state-funded Washington State Potato Commission, stands 6-feet 1-inch.

"The whole purpose of this diet is to get white potatoes in WIC," said Voigt, who lives in Lake Moses, in the heart of the state's central potato-growing region, about 180 miles southeast of Seattle.

By the time his self-imposed diet ended at midnight Monday, Voigt had consumed 400 pounds of potatoes -- about 20 spuds a day for 60 days -- and in virtually every shape and form imaginable, he said in a telephone interview.

He typically cooked up two boiling pots each night for the next day's meals and snacks: 3 pounds of mashed, 2 pounds of sliced and fried, and 2 pounds of roasted, snack-cubed red and fingerling potatoes.

"If I found something I liked, I would eat it for two days straight," he said.

Seasonings -- rosemary, thyme, oregano, dill, mustard seed, cinnamon and nutmeg -- spiced up the otherwise bland fare.

For a special treat, Voigt prepared potato gravy, mixed up with bouillon cubes and potato starch.

"In a restaurant you would send it back, but to me, it was heaven," he said.

On Thanksgiving Day, Voigt created a "tur-tato," a 5-pound chunk of mash, molded into the shape of a turkey, basted with olive oil and broiled. "When we carved away, it was tender."

USDA interim rules for the WIC program allow recipients -- usually low-income pregnant women and mothers with young children -- to use vouchers to buy "any variety of fresh whole or cut vegetable, except white potatoes."

Orange yams and sweet potatoes are permitted.

The National Institute of Medicine in Washington, D.C., recommended the exclusion of white potatoes in April 2005 to USDA for those using WIC vouchers, institute spokesperson Christine Stencel told Reuters.

"Americans consume white potatoes in ample quantities," Stencel said. "The issue is more about improving the diversity and range of vegetables."

The USDA's Food and Nutritional Service, which administers the WIC program, plans to issue a final decision on the potato-ban rule next year.

Voigt plans to celebrate his diet's end on Tuesday with a dinner feast of steak fajitas and -- he said -- roasted potatoes, topped off with apples and milk.

"I'm looking forward to eating real ice cream," he said.

(Editing by Steve Gorman and Peter Bohan)

Posted from http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6AT3DM20101130?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+reuters/oddlyEnoughNews+(News+/+US+/+Oddly+Enough)

Hedgewitch Magick: Mirror Magick Spell to Build Self-Esteem

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Hedgewitch Magick: Mirror Magick Spell to Build Self-Esteem

For those who are interested in Hedgewitch Magick. Hedgewitch Magick is simple, solitary and focused on nature and its aspects. Twyla DiGangi shares with us the simple yet effective use of mirror magick to build self-esteem. Enjoy!

Peace & Love - 

Hedgewitch Magick: Mirror Magick Spell to Build Self-Esteem  

Nov 10, 2010 Twyla DiGangi

Rose Quartz, White Sage and the Goddess - Twyla DiGangi
Mirrors have been used since ancient times for all sorts of magickal workings. It is extremely powerful magick and highly effective if used properly.

With the media so strongly portraying what the world thinks “beauty” should be, it's no wonder that many people feel inadequate. How is the average person supposed to compete with actors, models, and other beautiful people whom they see on TV or in magazines. Some people try to emulate these celebrities and in some cases, the harder they try, the worse they begin to feel about themselves, until they no longer have an emotionally healthy view of “beauty.”

It doesn’t take very long for the mind to convince people that they are not beautiful or good enough. It becomes very easy for people to forget that real beauty is something that radiates from the inside out. If more could remember that, then we would begin to look how we feel. Our confidence builds and our self-esteem rises. Before long, people are able to see how stunning they truly are because they feel the beauty emanating from the inside.

This is a very simple self-esteem spell that will work to improve how you feel about yourself. It only takes a few minutes a day. It is best preformed in the mornings; this way, you are cloaked in the effects of the spell for the entire day.

Spell to Build Self-Esteem

The following tools will be needed for this self-esteem spell:

  • 1 small piece of rose quartz;
  • 1 small mirror; and
  • 1 natural fiber pouch (Cotton, velvet, silk are a few good choices).

Rose quartz is known for its ability to draw love to a person. It is one of the most powerful pink stones you can use in matters of the heart and love. It isn’t just effective in drawing love to you, but in helping you to love yourself.


Buy a new small mirror; it doesn’t have to be expensive, as a small dollar store pocket mirror will work just fine. Cleanse the mirror by running it under cool water for a few minutes. That will wash away any negative feelings or unwanted feelings that are in the mirror. While the water washes over the mirror visualize all the unwanted energy being washed down the drain.Make sure that your stone is clear and free of any unwanted energies. To do this, bury the stone in a bowl of sea salt for 24 hours. Another way is to let the stone sit in the rays of the full moon for one night. Place it in the window sill where it will be safe and will not get knocked off. Smudging is a quick and effective way to cleanse your stones. Light a smudge stick — white sage or cedar are good choices — and hold the stone in the smoke for a few minutes. It will clear the energies and make your stone ready to receive the energies you are about to place on it.


The pouch is for keeping your mirror safe and away from others who may accidentally transfer unwanted energies into it. The pouch will also be used to enure that the only reflection the mirror works with is yours. If you want to you can add a sprig of white sage or cedar to the pouch to help fend off unwanted energies.

To Perform Mirror Magick to Build Self-Esteem Spell

The first morning get your tools together. Find a quite, comfortable place to sit. Hold the rose quartz in one hand and the mirror in the other. Gaze into the mirror and say: "Oh gracious Goddess / Who gave me life / Help me to see / My beautiful side."

Keep gazing into the mirror and begin to contemplate all of your good qualities and abilities. Tell yourself how beautiful you are, how caring and kind, thoughtful, and lovely, and whatever else is good and positive. Many will begin to “feel” a sensation working inside; the experience tends to be a bit different for everyone, but it could feel warm or tingly. Once you feel that sensation, sit for a few minutes and really absorb it. It's believed that the sensation is a sign that is the spell starting to cloak you.

After, thank the Goddess for aiding you. Carefully place the mirror in its pouch and store it someplace where it will be safe. Keep the rose quartz on you, stored in a pocket or purse.

Do this spell each morning. It won’t be long before you begin to feel all the good things you tell yourself every morning. Do your best to not allow negative thoughts into your mind during the day. If you find yourself doing that stop and take a deep breath. Think back to the morning ritual and reaffirm all the positive things you told yourself until the negative thoughts are pushed out.

You may feel a little silly the first few times you perform this spell. That is normal, just keep with it and don’t try to be modest. Keep in mind that mirror magick is very powerful magick. It is reflective magick and a pathway to your soul. Whatever you tell your reflection is reflected back on to you and your soul allowing you to heal. Never tell the mirror negative things as it will come back on you quickly and powerfully.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Magick: Adding crystals & stones to your circles

From Evernote:

Magick: Adding crystals & stones to your circles

For those who are interested in Magick. Rowan Pendragon discusses setting up different crystals and stones to give extra power in your magick circle. Enjoy!

Peace & Love - 

Adding crystals & stones to your circles

by Rowan Pendragon

We use crystals and stones a lot in magick and spellwork and many of us place certain pieces on our altars to draw in and direct specific kinds of energy for either a specific type of working or as part of our overall altar protection.  I have two large crystal points which sit in the center at the top of my altar, one point inward to draw energy in and the other pointing outward to direct energy worked with on the altar into the circle to create an energy circuit from the altar.  I have found through working with them that they have been a great help at moving energy around and when I don’t have them I feel the energy weigh a little heavier and need more direction.  This is one way that we can work with crystals in ritual besides using them as past of a specific spell or magickal procedure. Another way that we can draw on the energy and power of various crystals and stones is by using them to cast our circle, what I often refer to as a crystal circle.  This is a circle cast using certain stones at the quarters in conjunction with the calling of the elemental energies and using quartz points to connect them together.  Think of it as a giant crystal grid that you physically stand in and do your rituals within.


Picking Your Stones

Certain crystals or stones have a strong connection to certain elements.  Here is a list of some for each of the four elements and directions.  Pick ones that resonate with you that you feel would work well in your circle.

North: Moss Agate, Emerald, Jet, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone
East: Topaz, Citrine, Mica, Yellow Fluorite, Stones with rainbows in them
South: Amber, Rhodochrosite, Ruby, Garnet, Opal, Volcanic Rock
: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Chalcedony, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Sugilite, Pearl

When you’re trying to decide on which stones to use, pick a few different ones and spend time tuning into each one and meditating on them.  This will help you find the stones that really resonate with you and the elemental energies that you work with.  For example, take a few pieces of jet and a few pieces of moss agate for earth and place them on your altar.  Get yourself into a quiet, meditative state in whatever method you choose.  Pick up the jet pieces and hold them in your hands and tune into their energy.  How do they feel to you?  What images or vibrations do you pick up with them in your hands?  How does your body react to them?  And, most importantly, when you hold them and you focus on the idea of the earth element do they feel comfortable in your hands or do they feel like they don’t “belong” in your hands as you call on this energy?  Do the same with the moss agate stones and then compare your experiences.  Does one feel more “earthy” to you than the other?  Do neither feel right?  Do they both feel right?  If they both fee right to you then pick the one that you personally feel more drawn to or that you just prefer.  If they both feel off in this setting pick some other earth stones and try this exercise again until you find the right stones for you.

Preparing your Stones for Use
The process for preparing your stones here is the same as any other time that you’re going to take some stones and use them for a specific purpose or intent.  Take your time to cleanse and charge them with the intention that they help to draw in the energy of the specific element.  Use whatever methods you’d like for this but remember to take into consideration both the stone you’re using and the element you’re attuning it to.  I like to use the actual element I’m tuning the stones into as part of the process.  I’ll take my earth stone and place it on or in some dirt while charging it; I’ll hold my air stone in incense smoke or put my water stone in some water.  When I charge my fire stone I’ll live it in direct, hot sunlight for a few hours.  This way the stone is soaking in some of the elemental energy directly from the actual element.  


Laying Out the Stones
For your circle itself, I recommend using quartz crystals with a single point.  Place them around the edge of your circle leaving a space where the quarters are.  You don’t need a great number of them, only a few will do; I recommend 2 or 3 between each quarter all around your circle.  The diagram below shows how these should be placed.  You want to lay them out on the ground so that they are going in a clockwise direction (naturally if you’re working with a counterclockwise circle you’d have them going in that direction). You want to have the crystals working in the direction that you’re working in since they are there to create a circuit of energy for you.

Once you have done this you’ll want to place 3, 6, or 9 of a chosen stone at each of the quarters.

When placing these stones in your circle you want to place them actually on the circle in line with your quartz stones.  In other words, you want them to be part of the circuit that you’re creating, not separate or removed from it.  So, looking at the diagram above, where you see the S marking the southern quarter, you would place your south stones right between the two quartz points that come before and after the southern point of the circle.

My personal choices for stones for the quarters are bloodstone for the North, citrine for the East, garnet for the South, and aquamarine for the West.

When you’re calling on your element you can pick up the stones and hold them, you can lift them aloft to the elemental energies to call them, or you can direct the elemental energy you’re calling down into the stones as its entry point on the circle and then direct it to join the circuit with the quartz stones.  I do this by using my wand, which has a crystal point on the tip, and doing a full walk of the circle tracing the circle with my wand starting at the quarter stones I have just called and going one full turn around the circle.  So when I call in Earth, after calling the element and directing it to the stones, I point my wand down to the pile of bloodstones I use and then trace the circle clockwise from the North point all the way around the circle and end in the North again.  I do this for all the elements after calling them in and then, once they are all called, I walk the circle one more time like this starting in the North, or in whichever direction I called first, and walk the circle once clockwise to connect everything.

Taking down the Crystal Circle
When I’m done and the time has come to take the circle down, I basically do all of this in reverse.  I go to the West, as this is usually the last quarter called in, pick up the stones, dismiss the energy and water element, place the stones back in the box I keep them in which is at my altar, and then trace the circle once counterclockwise with my wand to break up the connection to the water element.  I do this by visualizing the water energy in the circuit being pulled up through my wand, into my arm, down my body, and finally being grounded into the earth.  I do this for all four quarters and then do one final counterclockwise walk at the end.  I do the rest of my usual uncasting procedures as normal and when I’m all done and the circle is open I pick up the quartz and place them in the box as well.

I recommend trying this and seeing if you feel a difference in how the elements make themselves known in your circle.  You may find that elements that you may have had a hard time calling or connecting to in the past feel stronger or more present now.  You may also find that the feeling of connection between all the elements and their cohesiveness in your circle is more complete with the circuit created with the quartz crystals along the circle.  It’s a great and simple way to make crystals and stones a more active part of your circles and ritual work without making your work specifically about using a certain piece.

Posted from http://onewitchsway.com/2010/11/crystal-wednesday-adding-crystals-stones-to-your-circles/

News: Steve Johnson Blames God for Dropped Pass -- Want Him on Your Team?

From Evernote:

News: Steve Johnson Blames God for Dropped Pass -- Want Him on Your Team?

Sorry Steve, God rests on Sunday! Enjoy!

Later -

Posted from the news desk of ilovetater.com

Steve Johnson Blames God for Dropped Pass -- Want Him on Your Team?

On Sunday, Buffalo Bills wide receiver Steve Johnson dropped a picture-perfect pass, which would have resulted in an overtime victory against the Pittsburgh Steelers.

The Steelers went on to defeat the (now) 2–9 Bills, and  according to our friends at With Leather (story below), Johnson had a strange way of explaining this most embarrassing of on-field gaffes.

The third-year pro took to Twitter (which seems like it's always a bad idea) and left this message for the man upstairs:


Putting aside the absurd notion that God would interfere with the results of a football game, how do you feel about Johnson using divine intervention to justify his butterfingers? (Posted from http://www.asylum.com/2010/11/29/buffalo-bills-wide-receiver-steve-johnson-blames-god-on-twitter/)

Rest of the story from our friends @ With Leather...


Buffalo Bills wide receiver Steve Johnson has been a very pleasant addition to two of my fantasy football rosters this season, but I guess it’s worth pointing out that Bills fans are pretty excited to have an actual playmaker receiver on their roster for the first time since some guy named Andre Reed was strapping on his Hall of Fame shoes. No offense, Eric Moulds. Off the field Johnson had been more of a quiet presence, as we didn’t hear much from the guy who racked up 3 touchdowns against Cincinnati in Week 11. Like any good wide receiver, though, Steve Johnson has a Twitter account and he’s now a star.


Last night, after Johnson dropped a game-winning touchdown pass from Ryan Fitzpatrick in overtime against the Pittsburgh Steelers, Steve sulked on the sidelines by himself, visibly distraught over his gaffe. He was shaken in the postgame conference as well, and the mistake will undoubtedly haunt him for the next few weeks. But after all was said and done, Johnson Tweeted his ultimate frustrations, calling out the man upstairs for not allowing him to catch the ball. That’s right, it’s all God’s fault.


At first I thought his Tweet was just typical overreaction, sure to be blown out of proportions by a sizable chunk of the online sports media, but then my friend Josh made a great point – why don’t more athletes blame the higher powers for their mistakes? So many superstars in college and the pros thank various deities when they win, so we should expect more of them to actually blame those same holy creators when they make boneheaded plays, too, right? I mean, passing the buck is a superstar athlete tradition, so Peyton Manning should be readily pointing his finger to the heavens when he throws four interceptions and Dwight Howardshould shake his fists at the clouds when he misses 10 free throws. Maybe it’s blasphemy, but I’m intrigued nonetheless.

Posted from http://withleather.uproxx.com/2010/11/god-dropped-steve-johnsons-pass/2

Sunday, November 28, 2010

News: German pensioner bricks himself into his own cellar

From Evernote:

News: German pensioner bricks himself into his own cellar

Step 1 - Check which side you are standing, before building wall! Enjoy!

Later -

Posted from the news desk of ilovetater.com

German pensioner bricks himself into his own cellar

BERLIN | Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:15pm EST (Reuters Life!) - 

A German pensioner who wanted to seal off the entrance to his cellar ended up bricking himself into it, a police spokesman told Reuters on Thursday.

The senior citizen from Jena told police he only became aware of the mistake once his handiwork was complete, which police described as "pretty stupid" in a statement.


After camping out in the cellar for several days he resolved to free himself by knocking down a wall, but chose to demolish his neighbor's wall rather than the one he had just put up.

The man had been at loggerheads with his neighbors for some time and they informed the police when they heard drilling noises. The police were waiting for the pensioner when he made his great escape and have now launched an enquiry.

(Reporting by Michelle Martin)

Posted from http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6AO35U20101125?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+reuters/oddlyEnoughNews+(News+/+US+/+Oddly+Enough)

Pagan: The Wheel of the Year - Yule Pagan Celebration

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Pagan: The Wheel of the Year - Yule Pagan Celebration

For those who are interested in Paganism. Yule approaches. How will you celebrate the holiday? Val Tobin gives us a little history and a few ideas to celebrate Yule. Enjoy!

Peace & Love 

The Wheel of the Year: Yule Pagan Celebration

Nov 14, 2010 Val Tobin

Yule Pagan Celebration - By Robert Chambers via Wikimedia Commons
Yule marks the rebirth of the sun. It is celebrated on the longest night of the year. Build some Yule traditions that include honoring nature.
As Yule approaches, the days get shorter, the nights longer. In the northern hemisphere, winter is beginning to take hold, and it is getting colder. Yule is celebrated on the longest night of the year, which varies, depending on the year, between December 21 and December 22. This is the Winter Solstice and pagans traditionally celebrate the return of the sun at this time, though it is only the beginning of winter and the coldest days are yet to come.

The Pagan Yule Celebration for the Return of the Sun

At Yule (from the Norse word for “wheel”), the sun is reborn. According to Wiccan lore, the Goddess gives birth to the "Child of Promise" and the time of the Holly King ends as the time of the Oak King begins. This is a time of introspection, as everything in nature sleeps through the cold winter. But it is also a time of hope...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Magick: My Initiation Into Kitchen Witchery

From Evernote:

Magick: My Initiation Into Kitchen Witchery

For those who are interested in Magick. Turn ordinary cooking into a meaningful and fun experience with the magick of Kitchen Witchery! Enjoy!

Peace & Love - 

My Initiation Into Kitchen Witchery

27NOV2010Leave a Comment

by Dragon in Spiritual Practice 

I have a secret to confess.  I’m not a very good cook.  At least, I don’t think so.  I mean, I can follow a recipe if given to me and the results will often be palatable or better, but to me that is not cooking.  Cooking is what my friend Meredith does. She can walk into a kitchen – any kitchen – see what’s on the shelves and in the fridge and whip up something delicious. Some people just have a culinary gift.  They have a sixth sense about how flavors and textures should go together and they possess the skills to combine them beautifully.  I am not one of the gifted, which made my decision to begin practicing kitchen witchery a bit daunting.


I’ve been interested in domestic witchcraft for years and have been magickally fortifying my living spaces since I was a neophyte in the Craft.  The one place I never flexed my magickal muscles, however, was the kitchen.  I was always too intimidated.  Then I attended a workshop at this year’s Pagan Pride taught by Dawn Hunt, founder of Cucina Aurora. Her fun and upbeat introduction to kitchen witchery was just what I needed to light my culinary candle and to brush away the cobwebs of fear.

Following Dawn’s example I purchased a cute black apron that has “witch” bedazzled in red across the chest.  This apron has become my ritual robe for performing kitchen witchery.  I also bought a small pumpkin spice-scented, magickal housewarming candle that I light before performing any kitchen magick.  Now I have a little ritual I perform before baking or cooking.  I begin by making sure my kitchen is clean.  That’s a given in my OCD world.  I wash my hands and happily slide into my apron.  Then I light the candle and say a quick prayer to Hestia.  I ask Her to inspire me with Her sacred light and to help me prepare food that is both nourishing and delightful.  When performing longer kitchen rituals I will cast a whole circle and invite the spirit of the elements, as well.

Ritualizing my work in the kitchen has done many things for me.  It has given me structure, which has boosted my confidence.  Now when I prepare food it always feels meaningful and fun.  Working in the kitchen has changed from a domestic chore into a time for personal expression.  I love spending time in the kitchen now and it seems like everything that I produce is touched with a bit of magick and joy, even if I do make a few mistakes. :{  As my confidence in the kitchen grows I hope to become bolder with recipes, learning to branch out and experiment a little.  This is a whole new, delicious path that I’ve embarked on and I can’t wait to see where it leads me.

Posted from http://pentaclesandpavement.wordpress.com/2010/11/27/my-initiation-into-kitchen-witchery/

News: Weirdest Training Drill Ever - Feds Imagine Marijuana Growers Will Launch Terror Attack?

From Evernote:

News: Weirdest Training Drill Ever - Feds Imagine Marijuana Growers Will Launch Terror Attack?

Your tax dollars at work, folks! Enjoy!

Later -

Posted from the news desk of ilovetater.com

Weirdest Training Drill Ever: Feds Imagine Marijuana Growers Will Launch Terror Attack?

Northern California is home to thousands of pot growers. There are no known incidents of pot farmer terrorist attacks on critical infrastructure.
November 21, 2010  |  


According to an account published in the local paper the 
Redding Record Searchlight, the Shasta Dam scenario had the "Red Cell" pot grower/terrorists blowing up the car and bus to create a distraction and then taking over the dam. Holding three people hostage, the terrorist pot growers then threaten to flood the Sacramento River by opening the flood gates unless their imprisoned comrade is freed.
Northern California pot growers bomb a car and a bus, then take over Shasta Dam in a bid to free an imprisoned comrade. It sounds like the plot to a very cheesy Grade-B thriller, but it was actually the premise for a day-long terrorist attack drill conducted by 20 state, local, and federal law enforcement agencies Wednesday.

The drill was part of the US Bureau of Reclamation's Critical Infrastructure Crisis Response Exercise Program, which started in 2003. It identified six dams, including Shasta, the nation's second largest, as possible terrorist targets. Similar exercises took place at Utah's Flaming Gorge Dam in 2003, Washington's Grand Coulee Dam in 2005, and Hoover Dam on the Arizona-Nevada border in 2008. But none of those exercises identified pot growers as the putative terrorists.


According to bureau spokesperson Sheri Harral, the drill took 18 months of planning and cost the bureau $500,000. The other emergency and law enforcement agencies that participated paid their own expenses.

As of press time, Harral had not returned a Chronicle call asking why marijuana growers were selected as the terrorists. Northern California is home to thousands of pot growers, many of them doing it legally under the auspices of California's medical marijuana law. There are no known incidents of pot farmer terrorist attacks on critical infrastructure.

Dale Gieringer, head of California NORML and an observer of the state marijuana scene for decades, told the Chronicle he was unaware of any California pot grower terrorist cells—ever. "No, never," he said.

Nor was he impressed with the pot grower as terrorist scenario. "That was so stupid," he sighed. "I don't know what inspired it. I can see the need to do better pat downs for air travelers to make sure they're not holding joints in their underpants, but this? It sounds like something some yahoo red county sheriff would dream up."

Neither was the Marijuana Policy Project amused. "This is a classic example of law enforcement's utterly inaccurate stereotype of who is involved with marijuana," said the group's communications director, Mike Meno. "For decades, they have villianized users and people involved in the industry to such an extent that they now equate them with terrorists. It might be laughable," he said, "but it gives us real insight into the drug warrior mentality and what they think of marijuana people."

"Red Cell" plotter? No, just more Reefer Madness

"The whole idea that they would equate growers with terrorism is absurd and insulting," sputtered NORMLfounder Keith Stroup. "This is too ignorant to take seriously. It's hard to imagine that in this time of fiscal crisis, someone would have the nerve to propose spending money on such a ludicrous exercise. My goodness! Of all the potential violent criminals out there, the idea that they would focus on pot growers shows that this is a political game," he said.


"People will be laughing about this for decades," Stroup continued. "You have almost half the people in California voting for marijuana, and on the other hand, this. It's hard to believe this is going on.


At least, they could have called it the "Green cell."

Redding, CA
United States

Phillip Smith is an editor at DRCNet.

Friday, November 26, 2010

News: Luke, I am your smartphone

From Evernote:

News: Luke, I am your smartphone

At least Darth Vader beats Godzilla as an icon! Enjoy!

Later -

Posted from the news desk of ilovetater.com


Luke, I am your smartphone (video)

NTT DoCoMo recently launched the Samsung Galaxy S in the Japanese market and now we've come to discover that it's chosen a very forceful personality to represent the product to its discerning audience. Darth "roundabound" Vader has been starring in the carrier's latest round of "always with you" ads, wherein he serves as a (sort of) human representation of the phone, thus lending some anthropomorphic qualities to the cold slab of technology awaiting you in the shops. This whole outlandish idea really shouldn't work, but somehow it does -- we want a little Vader in our lives too now. Video after the break.


Great Deals from Amazon!