Thursday, March 3, 2011

Magick: Warlock isn't a dirty Word (pt. 3)

For those who are interested in Magick. What does it mean to be a Warlock? In this series, Rowan Pendragon completes her discussion on the truth about Warlocks. Enjoy! 

Peace & Love 


Warlock isn’t a dirty Word (pt. 3)

by Rowan Pendragon


Now that we have established some of the origins of the word warlock, the one that remains in question is the popular Anglo-Saxon origin and its definition as an “oath-breaker” or “traitor”.  According to the Oxford English Dictionary warlock comes for an Old English word that began to be used around 600 CE.  This has been suggested to have started with the writing of histories by the church monks.  As has been the suggestion in other similar situations, it’s possible that there were misunderstandings and issues with translation of certain words from one language to another causing meanings to be confused.  It’s even been suggested that before the term warlock started to be used that a time more akin to wizard was used in it’s place.

And let’s also not forget the idea of history being written by the victors and the fact that the the church was coming into a special place of power in a time where church law was the law of the land.  So as we have seen in other places when those in charge write the history books, in this instance the church, they have a say in the way the information was written and presented.  This is where we start to see warlock as meaning “oath-breaker” and “traitor” really come into use.

First, it’s important to keep in mind the time this was happening and the context in which the word was used.  At this time all a man had was his word.  Your word was gold, it was your bond.  To break an oath, to break a bond, was something that cast a huge blight on a person and could cause them to be ostracized from their communities.  However, when the church was using the term warlock they were using it to refer mainly to the breaking of a man’s oath to God.  We can see the impact of this most clearly through the famous Malleus Maleficarum, the Hammer of the Witches, the famous witch hunters manual written by Heinrich Kramer who was an inquisitor for the church...

Full Article


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