Tuesday, January 11, 2011

News: 10 Common Misconceptions Found on Wikipedia

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News: 10 Common Misconceptions Found on Wikipedia

Well if it's on the Wikipedia, it must be true! Enjoy!

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10 Common Misconceptions Found on Wikipedia

By Laura Leu

This list of common misconceptions on Wikipedia pretty much proves that everything you've ever believed is false. Yes, it breaks our heart to tell you, but: Thomas Crapper did not invent the toilet, after all. 

What other beliefs have been debunked by facts? Below, the top 10 misconceptions from Wikipedia's collection.

Misconception: Al Gore claimed that he invented the Internet.
Reality: Gore drafted the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991, which led to the upgrades of the already-existing Internet backbone in the early 1990s. What he actually said was: "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet." Then he emailed Bill Clinton, "OMG! Check out this hilarious cat video. LOL!"

Misconception: Sugar causes hyperactivity in children.
Reality: Medical studies have shown no behavioral differences between children given sugar and those on a sugar-free diet. Basically, your kids are just naturally annoying.

Misconception: Men think about sex every seven seconds.
Reality: There's no scientific way of measuring one's sexual thoughts, and if anything, researchers believe that statistic is a gross overstatement. Not that men would everexaggerate anything related to sex.

Misconception: George Washington had wooden teeth.
Reality: According to forensic anthropologists, Washington's dentures were made of gold, hippopotamus ivory, lead, and a mix of human and animal teeth. Which is why Martha always preferred closed-mouth kisses.


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 Drinking alcohol makes you warmer.
Reality: Alcohol may make you feel warmer because it makes blood vessels dilate, causing warm blood to rise to the surface of your skin. But this process actually makes your body temperature colder, meaning that it's a bad idea to booze it up when you're caught in a snowstorm. The good news is that alcohol can make you very, very drunk.

 A duck's quack does not echo.
Reality: Although it can sometimes be difficult to hear, a duck's quack will indeed echo. The real mystery is: How many ducks did they have to throw into a canyon to discover this?. 

Misconception: Lightning never strikes the same place twice.
Reality: During a thunderstorm, objects that are more prominent or conductive are the most likely to be struck, so lightning can -- and does -- strike the same place more than once. The Empire State Building, for example, is hit by lightning 100 times a year. Some people -- namely those who appreciate puns -- are shocked by that statistic.

Misconception: In bullfighting, matadors wear a red cape because the color enrages the bull.
Reality: Bulls are red-green color-blind, so they don't even see red. What pisses them off is the movement of the fabric. And also, the fact that they're about to be slaughtered in front of an audience. They really hate that.

Misconception: When cut in half, an earthworm can survive as two separate worms.
Reality: Only the front half of the worm (the part with the mouth) will continue to live. The other half is something you do not want to find after taking a bite of your apple.

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