Monday, April 4, 2011

Magick: Don't Ignore Premonitions - A True Story

For those who are interested in Magick. Premonitions may not be enjoyable but if they are heeded, they can be a lifesaver. Enjoy! 

Peace & Love 


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Don’t Ignore Premonitions: A True Story


Premonitions and precognition are often lifesavers.  There are many instances where someone acted based on a premonition and avoided getting involved in a catastrophe.  As a child, my own father’s premonition saved our family from dying in a horrific tornado.

However, sometimes a premonition may be an unwelcome event, if it is a portent of an unavoidable disaster.  In such an instance, is having a glimpse of the future desirable?  Which begs the question…is any fate unavoidable?

Here is a true story of a premonition told to me by the family members involved.  Jane and Tom was a married couple.  One day Jane had a vision, a premonition.  It was an awake, daytime vision.  In her brief vision, she saw her husband in church.  And he was with another woman.  Jane described the woman as short, wore glasses, was bowlegged, much younger then Tom, and with a family.  He was very happy and smiling.

If I had a vision of my spouse happily with another person, I’d be concerned.  Jane told her husband about her vision, knowing Tom used to be a bit of a ladies man.  However, he found God and gave up his past and was now a devout, active Christian.  This vision/premonition was put aside as imagination.

Two years after her vision, Jane had a heart problem.  She went in for surgery.  However, after the surgery, there was a complication and the doctors recommended she return for further surgery.  For reasons we can only guess at, she didn’t want to go back to surgery.  She thought she was fine.  Well, she died not long afterwards...

Full Article


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