Sunday, February 27, 2011

Magick: Warlock isn't a dirty Word (pt. 2)

For those who are interested in Magick. What does it mean to be a Warlock? In this series, Rowan Pendragon continues her discussion on the truth about Warlocks. Enjoy! 

Peace & Love 


Warlock isn’t a dirty Word (pt. 2)

by Rowan Pendragon

The largest accepted definition of a warlock within the modern magickal community, especially among the Wiccan community, is that of “oath-breaker”.  When you ask most Wiccans and many other Pagans about the word most will react with a feeling of disgust, often saying things like no self-respecting Witch would ever call themselves a Warlock.  But the fact of the matter is this isn’t as simple as that.  The definition of warlock as “oath-breaker” is largely a Christian definition that came along far later than the suggested origins of the word itself.  It’s also nothing new to see some men in the magickal community trying to take back the word Warlock in the same way that women were empowered by writers like Starhawk to take back the word Witch.  Much like we have worked with that word there are men working to turn around the negative publicity and history tied to “warlock” in order to create a more true definition of the word rather than the definition and image imposed by the church.

So what does warlock really mean?  Where does the word come from and why do we always give it that definition of “oath-breaker”?

The word warlock is believed to have three different meanings which are connected to two different origins, an Anglo-Saxon word “waerloga” and an Old Norse word “vardlokkur”.  There is the Anglo-Saxon “oath-breaker”, which we all hear quite often.  The other is from the Scottish word for “cunning man” or “male witch”; interestingly it’s quite common to hear the word warlock defined by Wiccans and Pagans as a Scottish word meaning “‘oath-breaker” or “traitor” though that definition isn’t of Scottish origin.  And the last, and most compelling, is from the Old Norse word “vardlokkur”.  We’ll be looking at that one at length; let’s start with getting the Saxon and Scottish history worked out...

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