Saturday, October 15, 2011

CITI Bank Arrests

From Evernote:

CITI Bank Arrests

Big brother bank has your money and he won't give it back. 

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix


For those who can't view the video, a group of 30 people are locked inside a Citi Bank, detained against their will. According the video and reports, these people were attempting to close their accounts as a form of protest.

Near the end of the video, a lady standing outside the bank is asked if she was inside. She says yes, I'm a customer. Holds up her banking info (presumably, I can't read the paper and the cops didn't bother to either). She is immediately detained by a guy in plain clothes and other cops come and surround her and drag her away as she repeats "I'm a customer!"

Tater Scot, the Skype Psychic, known for his enlightening tarot card spreads, is a modern day wizard, tarot card reader, comedian, actor and hermetic, casting real spells of healing, encouragement and laughter in Phoenix, Arizona.

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