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News: Man apologizes for traffic jam via Twitter |
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Man apologizes for traffic jam via Twitter
By OWEN LEI / KING 5 News SEATTLE -- A tongue-in-cheek way of documenting his ordeal on Interstate 5 got a bigger response than Michael Micheletti ever expected. "Everybody is going to run into trouble at some point," said Micheletti, a designer from Shoreline. "And I guess my experience was good people were there to help me, so I'm really appreciative of that." Micheletti's car stalled in the center lane of southbound I-5 Friday morning, just north of the Seattle Convention Center. He said he actually was headed to the BMW dealership because a service light had recently come on. He missed it by two miles. "I was driving on the highway, and many more lights came on on the dashboard and I wasn't quite sure what they all meant, and then the car slowed to a stop and stalled." The stall caused traffic to back up as far north as Lake City Way. "You know, I saw all those people behind me with their blinkers on trying to change lanes into swift moving traffic," Micheletti said. "I was in their way, it wasn't a good thing." After calling for a tow truck, he decided to post a message on Twitter.
"I thought, 'Okay I'm here with traffic whizzing by, I can't do anything else, my car's non-functional, I'll send out a message,' and that was it. Just kind of poking fun at me as much anybody else," he said. At 7:51 a.m., using his Twitter alias "MikeyM," Micheletti sent this out: "That black BMW stalled in the center lane of I-5? Yeah, that's me. Sorry, I don't like it either." Within minutes...
"I thought, 'Okay I'm here with traffic whizzing by, I can't do anything else, my car's non-functional, I'll send out a message,' and that was it. Just kind of poking fun at me as much anybody else," he said. At 7:51 a.m., using his Twitter alias "MikeyM," Micheletti sent this out: "That black BMW stalled in the center lane of I-5? Yeah, that's me. Sorry, I don't like it either." Within minutes...
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