Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog: Wiccan Halloween - Modern Witches Celebrate Samhain

From Evernote:

Blog: Wiccan Halloween - Modern Witches Celebrate Samhain

For those who are interested in Magick. Explore the Wiccan side of Halloween, known as Samhain. Enjoy!

Peace & Love - 

Wiccan Halloween - Modern Witches Celebrate Samhain

Oct 8, 2010 Joanne E. Brannan

Spiritual Halloween - avalonrose at Morguefile
Halloween has a deep spiritual meaning for the modern witchcraft religion known as Wicca.

Among the fun and commercialism of Halloween today lies hidden a deeper, spiritual side that has its origins in the ancient festival of Samhain. This fire festival is still celebrated by the modern religion of Wicca.

Samhain marks the beginning of winter, and is a time for turning inwards, away from the rush and pressure of the material world, towards the inner life force which lies within us all.

How to Celebrate Samhain With Nature

At this season of the year trees enter a dormant phase where they shed their leaves and cease to grow. Flowers fade, and animals gather food to help them to last the winter. In parallel, Wiccans turn inwards at this time to consider the hidden realms of nature.

Rituals performed at Samahain include honoring the dead and celebrating good fortune experienced over the past year such as births or new friendships. Wiccans celebrate Samhain together with fires, from large outdoor bonfires to inside displays of candles, and they may drink the sacred herb of Samhain, elder, in the form of delicious elderberry wine.

The Spiritual Side of Halloween

The veil between the material and spiritual realms is at its thinnest at Samhain, and Wiccans make use of this drawing close of the hidden worlds with both meditation, magic and divination, exploring their hopes and fears for the new year during this time of introspection and creativity. Seeds sown and nurtured during this dormant season will bear fruit with the quickening of nature at the arrival of spring!

Scrying with crystal balls and black mirrors is a great way to open your intuition to hidden mysteries at Samhain, or, if you prefer, Tarot Divination also offers a highly visual pathway to the spiritual realm at this magical season.

Halloween is a potent time for Samhain magic spells and rituals particularly for clearing out the old from your life and welcoming in new positive wishes and plans. In groups, story telling is a traditional way to fire the imagination and bring ones inner world to life. There is much spiritual truth in ancient legends, such as those of Arthur and the round table, or the ancient Anglo-Saxon tale of Beowulf.

When meditating, consider your fears as well as your hopes. There is great wisdom to be learned in facing our fears, and Samhain is a potent season for exploring our inner lives and for transforming dark influences into new hopes. Listen to you inner voice in meditation, and try to learn of any conditioned responses to challenges you face. By understanding habitual behaviors, and by using simple Wiccan spells; even entrenched habits may be transformed into wonderful opportunities.

Read more at Suite101: Wiccan Halloween - Modern Witches Celebrate Samhain

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