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Blog: The 7 Principles of Hermeticism |
For those who are interested in Magick. A great perspective on the 7 principles of Hermeticism. Enjoy!
Peace & Love -
1. Mentalism
2. Correspondence
3. Vibration
4. Polarity
5. Rhythm
6. Cause & Effect
7. Gender Hermetics, Hermeticism: coined after Hermês Trismegistos (Thrice Great Hermes) which is basically a Graeco-Egyptian (A fusion of Greek & Egyptian belief and practice) form of Thoth. A symbol to represent 'God Wisdom'. It's aim is to blur the lines between man and 'divine'; these things are not separate but all part of the same thing. I've mentioned on various threads, that on the atomic level we are all matter and energy. If you scattered our atoms, it's essentially the same 'stuff'. There are various religions/philosophies which create a separation of man from his divinity - and he spends his whole life attempting to re-connect with it.
*I found this image and modified it to use as visual aid. A reason I detest phraseology such as 'balance', 'polarity' and similar ideas is because these ideas attempt to separate man from his divinity. Don't get me wrong, I reject several ideas within Hermeticism itself, but it's basic foundation is appealing to me. TO DESTROY DIVISION. You hear it all the time, but have you reflected on what it truly means - and means to you? As above,
So below.
From within,
So without.
It's often used to communicate ideas about the Micro & Macro Cosms but more appropriately 'Everything is Everything'. Now, you can study Hermeticism -- pick it apart, and make your own interpretations of it but, the basic idea is the same. We are all part of the same stuff. Reading List: Kybalion
Hermetic Resource Site
Hermetic Library
Hermes & Hermeticism trough the ages
Defining Hermeticism The basic idea is that all things are attributed to Hermes (Thoth) or the 'All'; though it contains many polytheistic ideas, it's essentially a form of monism. Rather than seeing various deities, you see various faces of the same deity (to include gender). So, how are the 7 principles used?
1. Mentalism
2. Correspondence
3. Vibration
4. Polarity
5. Rhythm
6. Cause & Effect
7. Gender Hermetics, Hermeticism: coined after Hermês Trismegistos (Thrice Great Hermes) which is basically a Graeco-Egyptian (A fusion of Greek & Egyptian belief and practice) form of Thoth. A symbol to represent 'God Wisdom'. It's aim is to blur the lines between man and 'divine'; these things are not separate but all part of the same thing. I've mentioned on various threads, that on the atomic level we are all matter and energy. If you scattered our atoms, it's essentially the same 'stuff'. There are various religions/philosophies which create a separation of man from his divinity - and he spends his whole life attempting to re-connect with it.
*I found this image and modified it to use as visual aid. A reason I detest phraseology such as 'balance', 'polarity' and similar ideas is because these ideas attempt to separate man from his divinity. Don't get me wrong, I reject several ideas within Hermeticism itself, but it's basic foundation is appealing to me. TO DESTROY DIVISION. You hear it all the time, but have you reflected on what it truly means - and means to you? As above,
So below.
From within,
So without.
It's often used to communicate ideas about the Micro & Macro Cosms but more appropriately 'Everything is Everything'. Now, you can study Hermeticism -- pick it apart, and make your own interpretations of it but, the basic idea is the same. We are all part of the same stuff. Reading List: Kybalion
Hermetic Resource Site
Hermetic Library
Hermes & Hermeticism trough the ages
Defining Hermeticism The basic idea is that all things are attributed to Hermes (Thoth) or the 'All'; though it contains many polytheistic ideas, it's essentially a form of monism. Rather than seeing various deities, you see various faces of the same deity (to include gender). So, how are the 7 principles used?
1. Mentalism
Consciousness. Seems this word consciousness has been an obsessive fascination for the last several hundred years. Why such a focus on consciousness? In essence the external reality is a result of internalized awareness and 'consciousness'. Mentalism would be key in personal growth, development and putting your 'divinity' or your 'personal power' to work for you. 2. Correspondence
We correspond things. The axiom 'As above, so below...' we correspond what is in the mind, is internal but also external - it's all the same thing. "The universe exists within the mind". If the mind has no correspondence, it does not exist. Again, the theme is 'consciousness'. 3. Vibration
Everything is in motion, continuous. Seasons keep changing, the wind keeps blowing, the sun keeps shining; water turns to vapor and back to water again, etc. This 'corresponds' to human emotion, the mind - you have probably used the phrase "I get good vibes" or "bad vibes" from so and so. What do you mean by that? A feeling? A sense? Or perhaps, simply the motion of their existence. Everything is reduced to a 'vibration of movement.' Remember: think ATOMIC.
4. Polarity
Sounds like opposites right? North Pole, South Pole - Negative, Positive.. in truth, they are the same thing but different sides of the coin. Like, hot and cold water - it's still just water but the minor difference is the temperature of that water. I was sharing a personal anecdote with a friend, and we got on the subject of polarity. In my personal practices, when I want to decompress a feeling of melancholy, I write it all down and send it afloat in a bottle into the ocean. I include a personal message to anyone who discovers the bottle. I had been doing that since I was a teenager. Only once did I receive contact from a person who found the bottle but the experience was profound. This person found my bottle, and a series of events in their own life because of it compelled them to contact me. We spoke by phone, and in essence I had transmuted 'sadness' to something wonderful. One thing changes into the other, the foundation is that it was an 'emotion' positive? negative? It could be either or, and this brings me to... 5. Rhythm Patterns. You can identify the flow, the to and fro of the universe if you stop to recognize it, notice it, and use it for your own life. My sadness carried on the to and fro of the waves, to an ocean several states away to be found by another person standing by the ocean, in sadness. It's like looking at a mirror. As above, so below- becomes more profound. If we are all the same 'stuff' chances are - we repeat similar patterns, follow similar rhythms. Perhaps, on some super-conscious level I knew this and sent my 'booga booga' out there in the universe. Otherwise, why did I bother with this practice at all? Why not write it down in a journal and burn it? 6. Cause and Effect Ah, but if I had burned it - what would really be the effect? Cause and Effect immediately sparks the idea of if I do A, B will happen. In Hermetics it's really saying that each effect, has many causes. This is where you can have a field day with a number of philosophical ideas such as Karma, You Reap What You Sow and their ilk. How can you use it? Rather than feeling beaten by an effect you didn't expect, find a cause you can use. In example, 'Well, I lost my wallet but the cash inside fed a family'. Rather than beating your fists against the wall "Why does this always happen to me!!!???" You can find a cause; therefore changing your own psychology and effects to be carried through your life. You can be a beacon, leading by example. 7. Gender
Gender is often equated to sex characteristics; however there are 'feminine' and 'masculine' qualities we each hold and the terms lose their meaning. There is no longer a separation of 'gender' no division of the species but conceptualized ideas. When you think the word 'nurture' what immediately comes to mind? A woman mothering perhaps? Why not a male nurturing? If you can destroy this 'division' you can destroy the need to separate man from his divinity.
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