Friday, September 23, 2011

Tarot Card Spreads - The Choices Spread (7 Card)

One of the most useful tarot card spreads for me is the Choices Spread. We are looking for an answer on which direction would be best to take. This spread is designed to give you potential outcomes in a chronological sequence or timely order.

The cards should be dealt in the order of the positions (pictured above). The shape should resemble a "<".

Position 7  "The Matter at Hand"

Position 7 is actually the theme of our reading. It reveals the matter at hand, the real driving force or undercurrent of the question. What is the real motives of the questioner or Querent? What is the question based on? What elemental energy evokes the question?

Position 3 - 1 - 5  "The Yes Choice"

Positions 3, 1 and 5 suggest what may take place if we decide to take action. I call this my "yes" direction. If we take this choice, each card is likely to happen in that order. Position 3 is the near future and position 5 is the possible long term outcome, while position 1 will occur sometime in between.

Position 4 - 2 – 6  "The No Choice"

Positions 4, 2 and 6 suggest what may take place if we decide not to take action. I call this my "no" direction". If we make this choice, each card is likely to happen in that order. Position 4 is the near future and position 6 is the possible long term outcome, while position 2 will occur sometime in between.

So the results are simple, which way we choose, depends on the desired outcome. There are times when there is conflict in the relationships between the cards (permutations) and neither outcome is desirable. Then we know that this is not the proper question we should be asking or that we really don't have much choice in the matter.

I really like this spread and have used it often in order to answer those "should I or shouldn't I" questions. Looking at the potential end result helps the decision making process go much easier.

There are times when the answer can show the Querent just how large a scale the question really is by what cards present themselves. For example, if there are a number of major Arcana cards, then perhaps the results of the question are lifelong. Or if there are a lots of court cards then maybe there are others who are involved in this decision or could be.

A relatively easy spread to follow, I highly recommend this spread to anyone, especially those who are new to the practice of tarot card reading.

By Tater Scot – a Modern Day Wizard


Tater Scot, known for his enlightening tarot card spreads, is a modern day wizard, psychic, comedian, actor and hermetic, casting real spells of healing, encouragement and laughter in Phoenix, Arizona.



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