Friday, September 30, 2011

Cleansing Your Cards

From Evernote:

Cleansing Your Cards

Cleansing Your Cards


When to Cleanse

As with so many things tarot-related, there are no absolutes. Here are some points when some readers feel the need to cleanse or clear their cards:

1. after a very challenging reading

2. after many readings in a row

3. before using a new deck

4. after the cards have lain dormant for a while

5. after a milestone, life change, or shift in spiritual belief

6. at certain times of the year, such as holidays, birthdays, or full moons

7. before using a second-hand deck

8. when feeling disconnected from the cards (this may be more of a case of the reader grounding his or herself rather than cleansing the cards)

9. if someone has touched your deck without your permission


 I like to cleanse my cards, especially when I am doing back to back readings for customers. My preferred method is to knock on the deck, at least 3 times, like you would a door. I helps to clear the cards for the next reading. When possible, I have the customers knock on the cards to clear old energies from the deck (past readings) so they can put their energy in the cards for their own reading. - Tater

Tater Scot, the Skype Psychic, known for his enlightening tarot card spreads, is a modern day wizard, tarot card reader, comedian, actor and hermetic, casting real spells of healing, encouragement and laughter in Phoenix, Arizona.

Cleansing Your Cards

From Evernote:

Cleansing Your Cards

Cleansing Your Cards


When to Cleanse

As with so many things tarot-related, there are no absolutes. Here are some points when some readers feel the need to cleanse or clear their cards:

1. after a very challenging reading

2. after many readings in a row

3. before using a new deck

4. after the cards have lain dormant for a while

5. after a milestone, life change, or shift in spiritual belief

6. at certain times of the year, such as holidays, birthdays, or full moons

7. before using a second-hand deck

8. when feeling disconnected from the cards (this may be more of a case of the reader grounding his or herself rather than cleansing the cards)

9. if someone has touched your deck without your permission


 I like to cleanse my cards, especially when I am doing back to back readings for customers. My preferred method is to knock on the deck, at least 3 times, like you would a door. I helps to clear the cards for the next reading. When possible, I have the customers knock on the cards to clear old energies from the deck (past readings) so they can put their energy in the cards for their own reading. - Tater

Tater Scot, the Skype Psychic, known for his enlightening tarot card spreads, is a modern day wizard, tarot card reader, comedian, actor and hermetic, casting real spells of healing, encouragement and laughter in Phoenix, Arizona.

Cleansing Your Cards

From Evernote:

Cleansing Your Cards

Cleansing Your Cards


When to Cleanse

As with so many things tarot-related, there are no absolutes. Here are some points when some readers feel the need to cleanse or clear their cards:

1. after a very challenging reading

2. after many readings in a row

3. before using a new deck

4. after the cards have lain dormant for a while

5. after a milestone, life change, or shift in spiritual belief

6. at certain times of the year, such as holidays, birthdays, or full moons

7. before using a second-hand deck

8. when feeling disconnected from the cards (this may be more of a case of the reader grounding his or herself rather than cleansing the cards)

9. if someone has touched your deck without your permission


 I like to cleanse my cards, especially when I am doing back to back readings for customers. My preferred method is to knock on the deck, at least 3 times, like you would a door. I helps to clear the cards for the next reading. When possible, I have the customers knock on the cards to clear old energies from the deck (past readings) so they can put their energy in the cards for their own reading. - Tater

Tater Scot, the Skype Psychic, known for his enlightening tarot card spreads, is a modern day wizard, tarot card reader, comedian, actor and hermetic, casting real spells of healing, encouragement and laughter in Phoenix, Arizona.

Magick 101 # 6.1: Why the LBRP Matters

From Evernote:

Magick 101 # 6.1: Why the LBRP Matters

Magick 101 # 6.1: Why the LBRP Matters


In previous “lessons” of Magick 101 I’ve given you some personal preparation and theory. In this first part of lesson 6 I’m going to talk about the first formal ritual, The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

What? That ol’ thing?

Yes. That old thing.

Three Necessities of Magick

There are three things you have to master to be a good magician. First, you have to learn how to raise magickal energy (I know some magicians don’t follow the energetic paradigm of magick, but that’s another issue). There are two parts of this. First, you are using your internal abilities to generate magickal energy. Second, you are using your skills to grab and make use of external (spiritual or Divine) energy. Together these energies will power your magick.

The second necessity is closely aligned with the first. Once you have that energy raised, you have to do something with it. That is, you have to be able to manipulate the energy and direct it toward achieving your magickal goal(s).

The third necessity is the knowledge of where to direct that energy. You may be able to turn a car when you drive, but unless you have the knowledge found in a map, you can manipulate the car all you want and get nowhere.

So the three necessities are the abilities to raise and direct energy combined with the knowledge of what to do with it. The LBRP teaches all of these skills. Click to read the full article


The ritual, as I understand it, can be used to invoke, as well as, banish. Here is a copy of the ritual that I found on The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn. - Tater

The Qabalistic Cross And Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram

Introduction to the Ritual

There is a much employed Ritual which utilizes the symbol of the Pentagram as a general means to banish and invoke the elemental forces. This Ritual is called the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram.  However, it should not simply be regarded as a mere device to invoke or banish, for it is really the Stone of the Wise and incorporates within its structure a high magical formula of Self-Initiation. It is, to all intents and purposes, a Ritual of Self-Initiation.  This ritual is given to the Neophyte of the Order as a means for him/her to come into contact with the invisible forces of Nature and to learn how to direct those elementary forces.

Please note that traditionally the name of the Hebrew God 'Yahweh' is used in the East. As many of our members are Pagan, we have a negative relationship with Yahweh, or none at all. However, we do know his Mother/Sister/Consort Asherah and as Her name is a Tetragrammaton 'AShRH' (Aleph-Shin-Resh-Heh) it serves well as a replacement. We leave the student to explore the Qabalah of Her Name.

  1. Touching the forehead, say Ateh (Thou art)
  2. Touching the breast, say Malkuth (The Kingdom)
  3. Touching the right shoulder, say ve-Geburah. (And The Power)
  4. Touching the left shoulder, say ve-Gedulah. (And the Glory)
  5. Place the two palms of the hands together upon the breast, and say le-Olahm, (Forever)
  6. Fingers pointing up, say Amen.
  7. Advance to the East, trace the Pentagram with the proper weapon (Wand to invoke, Dagger to banish). Give the Sign of the Enterer saying (i.e., vibrating) Ashera imagining that your voice carried forward to the East of the Universe. Resuming standing position, catch the reflux by giving the Sign of Silence.
  8. Turning to the South, the same, but say Adonai
  9. Turning to the West, the same, but say Eheieh
  10. Turning to the North, the same, but say Agla
  11. Return to the East, completing the Circle, extend the arms in the form of a Cross, and say:
  12. Before me Raphael;
  13. Behind me Gabriel;
  14. On my right hand, Michael;
  15. On my left hand, Auriel;
  16. Before me flames the Pentagram,
  17. And in the Column shines the Six-rayed Star.
  18. Repeat 1 through 6, the Qabalistic Cross. For Banishing use the same Ritual but reversing the direction of the lines of the Pentagram.


Tater Scot, the Skype Psychic, known for his enlightening tarot card spreads, is a modern day wizard, tarot card reader, comedian, actor and hermetic, casting real spells of healing, encouragement and laughter in Phoenix, Arizona.

The Relationship Spread (7 Card) – Tarot Card Spreads

From Evernote:

The Relationship Spread (7 Card) – Tarot Card Spreads

This is one of the tarot card spreads that is very informative on a wide range of relationship types, not just romantic. We are looking at different aspects of you as individuals and together. We are opening a deeper understanding of energies that express the quality and depth of your relationship.

Click Tarot Card Spreads for the rest of the article.

Tater Scot, the Skype Psychic, known for his enlightening tarot card spreads, is a modern day wizard, tarot card reader, comedian, actor and hermetic, casting real spells of healing, encouragement and laughter in Phoenix, Arizona.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Full Psychic Tarot Reading (Crystal Ball, Pendulum & Psychometry)

From Evernote:

A Full Psychic Tarot Reading (Crystal Ball, Pendulum & Psychometry)

Clipped from:

Using a Crystal Ball, Pendulum & Psychometry for a full psychic reading.

I have never tried Psychometry before, channeling through objects of the querrent, but it really sounds like a great way to gain deeper aspects of the reading. I am excited about trying this method out!

- Tater Scot, a Modern Day Wizard


Psychometry & the Power of Touch


I took it from her when she was ready and held it, while closing my eyes. I turned it as compelled opening myself to its energy. Very soon I began seeing images. As they came, I described what I saw. It became clear that there were emotions behind these images that needed to be addressed.

Tater Scot, known for his enlightening tarot card spreads, is a modern day wizard, psychic, comedian, actor and hermetic, casting real spells of healing, encouragement and laughter in Phoenix, Arizona.

Monday, September 26, 2011

How to Enable the New Facebook Timeline NOW

From Evernote:

How to Enable the New Facebook Timeline NOW

Clipped from:

I got this link off a CNN ( I followed the easy steps to set up the Facebook Timeline. All I can is wow! Your profile becomes everything you have ever posted on Facebook in a really cool, yet kind of scary, timeline. - Tater


You’ve been hearing about all the wonderful new Facebook features, and like us, you’re probably super-eager to get started with them.

If you’re willing to go through a series of eight steps, you can get into the brand-new Facebook Timeline right now.

Tater Scot, known for his enlightening tarot card spreads, is a modern day wizard, psychic, comedian, actor and hermetic, casting real spells of healing, encouragement and laughter in Phoenix, Arizona.

Ever experience heartbreak?

From Evernote:

Ever experience heartbreak?

Clipped from:
Ever experience heartbreak?

I don't usually jump on board for Perez Hilton contests, not really being a fan, but I happened upon this video. It's a cover version of Adele's Someone Like You, by two very talented people, Charlie Puth & Emily Luther. I get chills every time I listen to them sing this song. As amazing as this may sound, if you listen to Adele you understand, the cover version is actually better than the original. If you have ever experienced the pain of heartbreak, this song is for you. It's very powerful and speaks to the heart.  


Click HERE!  to share this video with Perez Hilton on Twitter so these very talented people can win this contest!

Tater Scot, known for his enlightening tarot card spreads, is a modern day wizard, psychic, comedian, actor and hermetic, casting real spells of healing, encouragement and laughter in Phoenix, Arizona.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dream Interpretation Spread From The Mystic Dreamer Tarot | Tarot Elements

From Evernote:

Dream Interpretation Spread From The Mystic Dreamer Tarot | Tarot Elements

Clipped from:
I feel the same way about giving psychic readings. Being in real time and interactive, Skype just makes so much sense.


Side note: I can work three ways. Via Skype  is my preference. It’s 100% real time, interactive and allows me to read the dreamer’s aura and relay messages. I can also show them the tarot card clearly if they are not familiar with the deck. By phone will also allow back and forth conversations, but they can’t see the cards. Via email is my least favorite. Way too much typing, too much post dream interpretation back and forth instead of just sitting back and absorbing it all slowly.

Tater Scot, known for his enlightening tarot card spreads, is a <a

href="">modern day wizard</a>, psychic, comedian, actor and hermetic, casting real spells of healing, encouragement and laughter in Phoenix, Arizona.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Tarot Card Spreads - The Choices Spread (7 Card)

One of the most useful tarot card spreads for me is the Choices Spread. We are looking for an answer on which direction would be best to take. This spread is designed to give you potential outcomes in a chronological sequence or timely order.

The cards should be dealt in the order of the positions (pictured above). The shape should resemble a "<".

Position 7  "The Matter at Hand"

Position 7 is actually the theme of our reading. It reveals the matter at hand, the real driving force or undercurrent of the question. What is the real motives of the questioner or Querent? What is the question based on? What elemental energy evokes the question?

Position 3 - 1 - 5  "The Yes Choice"

Positions 3, 1 and 5 suggest what may take place if we decide to take action. I call this my "yes" direction. If we take this choice, each card is likely to happen in that order. Position 3 is the near future and position 5 is the possible long term outcome, while position 1 will occur sometime in between.

Position 4 - 2 – 6  "The No Choice"

Positions 4, 2 and 6 suggest what may take place if we decide not to take action. I call this my "no" direction". If we make this choice, each card is likely to happen in that order. Position 4 is the near future and position 6 is the possible long term outcome, while position 2 will occur sometime in between.

So the results are simple, which way we choose, depends on the desired outcome. There are times when there is conflict in the relationships between the cards (permutations) and neither outcome is desirable. Then we know that this is not the proper question we should be asking or that we really don't have much choice in the matter.

I really like this spread and have used it often in order to answer those "should I or shouldn't I" questions. Looking at the potential end result helps the decision making process go much easier.

There are times when the answer can show the Querent just how large a scale the question really is by what cards present themselves. For example, if there are a number of major Arcana cards, then perhaps the results of the question are lifelong. Or if there are a lots of court cards then maybe there are others who are involved in this decision or could be.

A relatively easy spread to follow, I highly recommend this spread to anyone, especially those who are new to the practice of tarot card reading.

By Tater Scot – a Modern Day Wizard


Tater Scot, known for his enlightening tarot card spreads, is a modern day wizard, psychic, comedian, actor and hermetic, casting real spells of healing, encouragement and laughter in Phoenix, Arizona.



Thursday, September 22, 2011

Peanut Butter Fingers and Magick Moments


By Tater Scot

My fingers are brown and smell like peanut butter. Okay, I know that sounds bad. It's because I have just finished giving, my dog, his medicine. Does that help? Is it conjuring up bad images? Probably. Well the bone and joint medicine I give to my dog, Alistar, is peanut butter flavored. He's getting up there in years and has now reached the "geriatric" age for dogs.

He used to walk with me every morning, proudly. But recently it became a struggle, but he still wags his tail. So he's had to stay home. But he walks with me in spirit. He's been walking with me for so long that I can still feel him near me when I am on my walk. I can see his tail all perched like a periscope, trotting right next to me.

Alistar doesn't like taking his medicine. I tried to give the peanut butter flavored chewable pill to him, as a treat. I mean peanut butter flavor is supposed to be dog-approved. But he didn't buy it. So I have been trying to hide it wrapped in a piece of cheese. But he has already figured out how to separate the cheese from the pill and then to casually drop it on the floor, hoping I won't notice. So, of course, now I have to pick up the spit covered-peanut flavored pill and try again. Hence the reason my fingers smell like cheese and peanut butter. Plus I added fish oil as a supplement. Yuck! I guess maybe that's why he doesn't want it. Oh well. He needs to take his medicine. I want him to be walking with me again.


Not wanting my fingers to smell like the peanut-butter-cheese-fish oil combo, I have decided to change tactics. Now, I wrap the pills in a piece of ham. So far, so good. It seems that his tendency to swallow meat, whole, and without question has its merits.

Of course, being a modern day wizard, I cast real spells of healing on both man and beast. While working on healing magick on my dog, a new magick word came to me. The word was "nienastar". It was more of a magickal tone. I could feel it channeling through me straight to the spots that need healing. He went outside a short time later and was actually running around. He seems to be feel better. Of course, his tail was wagging, like it always does.

I remember the first day we met. Friends had purchased a gift certificate at the pound (I had no idea they did such things). I was still in grief about the loss of my dog, Anastasia, on Christmas day. I told them I really wasn't sure I wanted to go "pick out a replacement". But unbeknownst to me, they had already gone down to the pound and picked out several dogs that they felt I might like. We went through them and low and behold the last choice was the perfect choice. He and I connected instantly. I can't explain the connection but it is strong. I have been with him more almost 10 years now.

He is the energy I have connected with my magick wand. The dog head carved on the end of my wand was inspired by him, as he sat at my feet. I feel his energy channel through the wand. I can't tell you why only that the energy he provides is powerful!


Tater Scot, known for his enlightening tarot card spreads, is a modern day wizard, psychic, comedian, actor and hermetic, casting real spells of healing, encouragement and laughter in Phoenix, Arizona.


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