Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hedgewitch Magick: Starting Over Spell

From Evernote:

Hedgewitch Magick: Starting Over Spell

For those who are interested in Hedgewitch Magick. Twyla DiGangi passes this spell along for those who wish to dispel negativity brought on by regrettable actions. Enjoy!

Peace & Love - 

Starting Over Spell

By Twyla DiGangi

Starting Over Spell in my Book Of Shadows - Twyla DiGangi

There are times when a person really regrets what they have done. That regret fills them with shame, guilt, remorse or a number of other negative feelings. Even when that person has sought out the people that they have hurt and made the full apologies to that person, those negative feelings have a way of creeping into our mind and filling you up.


One way of taking those dark feelings away is with a little ritual. It is a burning ritual. Where by using fire as a tool you can visualize all that negative energy being burned away from you. This spell is simple by design, yet highly effective.

First step in making this spell a complete success is to make sure you make any apologies and restitutions to anyone that you have wronged or hurt. This spell won’t work if those actions are not done and taken care of. If you have hurt someone, tell them you are sorry. If you can’t find the right words, then write them a letter. If you have broken or destroyed something that doesn’t belong to you, then take the necessary actions to replace and pay for the object. It is important for you to enter this spell only after you have made all the physical actions to make amends to all the people you feel you have wronged.


This spell is also good for couples who have fought and can’t seem to find the peace needed to forgive each other. When using this spell in this situation then do it as a couple.

Starting Over Spell

Write on a piece of paper what it was that you did, that you wish you hadn’t done. List any regrets you have. Look them over and focus all the worry, stress, pain, shame, guilt, and so on into the paper. Then fold the paper in half twice and set it in a cauldron, or fire proof bowl.

Then take a match and set the paper on fire and say:

With this flame

Never shall I repeat

These negativities fade

These mistakes again

Forever gone they shall be

Not to return to me

With harm to none

This spell is done

So mote it be.

Without thinking about the words that were written, turn your back on the cauldron. By turning your back to the cauldron you are symbolizing that you are finished with those negative thoughts and feelings and finally ready to start over. When it’s done burning, put the ashes into a small hole in the earth, sprinkle with sea salt and thank the earth for helping you. Thank the element fire in being your tool and the land sprites and Gods and Goddess for listening to you and helping you heal. These mistakes and regrets will be forgotten and you will not repeat them again.

Note: Always be careful during a burning ritual to not leave the fire going in a place where it can catch your home or yard on fire. Keep the fire small and watch until only embers are left, before turning your back on it. It is best not to do this in the wind, as the wind can carry off the sparks and start a fire.

By Twyla DiGangi

Posted from Starting Over Spell: Hedgewitch Magick

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